Orcas in captivity

Orcas in captivity

I already mentioned David Kirby in my article about 2012 achievements. David Kirby is a New-York journalist who wrote the book “Death at Sea World” last year.

He wrote an article last November about captive orcas. “7 Reasons They Should Be Free”. I’ll leave you to read this very interesting article.

Now, here are two pictures:

This one represents a whale drawn on the beach with wooden crosses. The whale was designed in October 2012 for the Whale Fest (held in Brighton at the end of October) by Lucy Byrne, Joyce Cheung, Beverley Bailey and Debbie Clifford.


The second picture focuses on the crosses. Each cross represents a cetacean that has died in captivity. These are just the ones we know about. There are 5,500 crosses. On each cross, one can read the whale or dolphin’s name, the country and facility in which the cetacean lived. A blue tip represents a calf.250472_539918679358667_838850213_n

Today, there are 45 captive orcas. Captures are being organised in Russia to bail out SeaWorld’s collection.

Be part of it, boycott those entertaining marine parks.

Here are two web pages summing up each captive orca (with pictures when you click on the cetacean’s name).
Here, the list of captive orcas and there, orcas who died in captivity.

And here is a Wikipedia page with the names of all the dolphinariums.

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