Winter 2016

Winter 2016

Born in August 2010 in Parc Astérix, Aicko was transferred to Planète Sauvage in 2015. In autumn 2016, his health worsened, his healers talked about eating disorders which led to an abnormal and quick loss of weight. Aicko died on the 6th of November. Causes of death are still unknown. He was only 6 years old!
He’s the 4th dolphin to die in Planète Sauvage since the opening of Marine City in 2009. Two adults, Théa (19 years old) and Minimos (8 years old), died in 2011 and 2012. Little, a young dolphin of only 12 days, was killed in August 2015 when he suffered a quarrel between two females.
Planète Sauvage is one of the three parks in France to hold captive dolphins, with Parc Astérix and Marineland.

Exciting news! Since October, Trip Advisor won’t be promoting activities such as swim-with programmes! Using its influence for the good cause, this huge travel site will stop selling tickets to attractions at which travellers interact with wild or endangered animals in captivity.
Tickets for excursions like elephant rides, petting tigers and swimming with dolphins ― activities for which animals are often abused, starved, restrained or stressed behind the scenes ― will disappear from the site by 2017.

This is clearly a consequence of the Blackfish effect.
Another consequence involves Jerry Brown, Governor of California. Last September, he issued a law which bans orca captivity and breeding. California thus becomes the first American state to ban the breeding of killer whales and using the animals in theatrical shows.

Trip advisor
Planete Sauvage

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