Mass capture in Taiji
On January 17th, 4 pods of dolphins were captured by Taiji fishermen. That’s about 250 dolphins including a baby albino.
The following day, 25 dolphins were selected to a life of captivity (including the baby albino named Angel by Ric O’Barry)
Today January 19th, 15 more dolphins were taken captive and we learn that Angel was taken straight to Taiji Whale Museum. That’s 40 dolphins in two days…
The remaining 200 await their fate until tomorrow morning.
CNN even covered the whole story. Baby steps.
Are there still among you people who still refuse to see the greed of fishermen and trainers (because yes, they work hand in hand)?
Are there still among you people who deny the truth about marine parks, amusement parks, and zoos?
Have you seen Blackfish? Did you feel appalled by the whole orca captivity business? Well, what happens in Taiji Japan is how dolphins are captured and later sold to parks AROUND THE WORLD.
For related articles:
–What happens in Taiji
–Taiji 01/18/2013
–The movie The Cove
–10 good reasons not to go to a dolphinarium
–Cove Guardian
–To sum up
-> What you can do <-
Pictures from Facebook Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians